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去年由新時代電視主辦「打響十人營」之「決戰好歌聲」大獲好評,特別是「金音組」的出色表現更引起全城迴響,今年「打響十人營」主打金音,「金音終極戰」再掀熱潮。十位年齡由31到 70歲的參賽者,以金質靚聲,展示不同語言、曲目、年代的經典金曲,將總決賽拼湊成一幅幅色彩斑爛的立體圖畫,叫人驚艷。


  • 司儀掌門人盧玉鳳夥拍新秀出身的李江歌

  • 去年的金音歌后梁春茹連同戰友董一浩及陳安娜大唱80年代金曲掀開比賽序幕


  • 星級專業評判團(左至右),著名歌唱老師梁盛子, 胡渭康, 音樂大師鍾肇峰, 加拿大中文電台總裁李方及2013年「打響十人營」金音冠軍梁春茹

金曲擂台鬥第一回 「合唱歌曲先聲奪人」,同是生於台灣3號盧泉山及4號甄淑珍,大唱當年 天下第一飲歌「無言的結局」,經典再現。年屆70歲2號靳佩玉以英語唱出北京奧運主題曲 「我和你」,與34歲10號曹校泓的國語版互拼,中英高音震懾全場。因參賽而成為好友的1號崔延濱和7號羅宏基,落力對唱「左右為難」,合拍得天衣無逢。6號源敏莊及8號羅向輝深情演繹「緣份」,完全帶出那份「你我相隔多麼遠」的無奈。最後由5號余漢武及9號黃寶儀唱出家傳户曉的粵語金曲「倆忘煙水裡」,重温電視劇的黄金歲月。

  • 同是生於台灣3號盧泉山及4號甄淑珍,大唱當年的「無言的結局」,聽出耳油

  • 年紀相距三十多載2號靳佩玉與34歲10號曹校泓,分别以英語及國語唱出「我和你」

  • 1號崔延濱和7號羅宏基,落力對唱「左右為難」,天衣無逢

  • 6號源敏莊及8號羅向輝深情演繹「緣份」

  • 5號余漢武及9號黃寶儀唱出家傳户曉的「倆忘煙水裡」

緊接上演的第二回合「獨唱盡顯真功夫」,1號崔延濱是卡車司機,音樂陪伴他穿州過省,他曾居於韓國,以流利的韓文唱出”Goodbye My Friend”應戰,歌聲澎湃氣勢壓台。身為最年長的參 賽者2號靳佩玉不單駐顏有術,清脆的嗓子駕御”Memory” ,游刃有餘,不愧為全加2013 Senior Star Competition的亞軍。3號盧泉山圓渾雄厚的聲線,唱透「明日天涯」的滄桑感,將與愛人别離的傷痛唱進觀眾心坎。擁有台灣原住民血統的4號甄淑珍,是空中服務員,巧合地選唱「我是一隻小小鳥」,人生幾番際遇的Claudia,得到兒子的鼓勵掙脱枷鎖,用她天賦甜美的嗓子,娓娓道出「想要飛,卻怎麼樣也飛不高」的無力感。5號余漢武年輕時常與音樂為伴,80年代移民後忙於為生活打拼,回首最愛仍是唱歌,一曲”My Way” 唱盡心聲。愛玩愛笑的6號源敏莊,與朋友打睹而參賽,她是 唯一以輕快歌曲「你為了愛情」上陣的十強,為緊張的比賽鬆一鬆。7號羅宏基是最年輕的參賽者,31歲的他獻唱「等你等到我心痛」,狀態大勇發揮超水準。身為譚詠麟超級粉絲的8號羅向輝,以 「情憑誰來定錯對」向譚校長致敬,唱腔神似。已晉身祖母級的9號黃寶儀,得到丈夫的莫大鼓勵,夫妻檔前來面試,一路陪伴Pauline勇往直前,四個孫兒更現身總決賽打氣支持, 她演繹 「星光背後 」韻味十足。生性害羞的10號曹校泓,受到好友,即去年「打響十人營」得獎者池条 左衣子的啟發而參賽,挑戰自己,以爵士版「領悟」打動評判團。

  • 1號崔延濱以流利的韓文唱出”Goodbye My Friend”應戰,歌聲澎湃氣勢壓台

  • 70歲的2號靳佩玉用清脆的嗓子駕御”Memory” ,游刃有餘

  • 3號盧泉山圓渾雄厚的聲線,唱透「明日天涯」的滄桑感

  • 4號甄淑珍,是空中服務員,巧合地選唱「我是一隻小小鳥」

  • 5號余漢武一曲”My Way” 唱盡心聲

  • 愛玩愛笑的6號源敏莊,是 唯一以輕快歌曲「你為了愛情」上陣

  • 7號羅宏基是最年輕的參賽者, 31歲

  • 8號羅向輝,以 「情憑誰來定錯對」向譚校長致敬

  • 已晉身祖母級的9號黃寶儀,演繹「星光背後 」韻味十足

  • 10號曹校泓,以爵士版「領悟」打動評判團

長青不老的特別表演嘉賓胡渭康壓軸亮相,先以「伴我啓航」把大家帶回美好的80年代,與觀眾一同回味往昔的青葱歲月,孝順的他逢騷必唱「頑童」,特别獻給患有腦退化的雙親,喻意父母患病後返老還童的寫照,真情演繹感動人心。踏入樂壇已有30年的胡渭康,歲月在他身上亳不留痕,依然玉樹臨風,以一曲”I will give my love to you”來感謝大家多年來的支持,並走到台下與觀 眾握手,作零距離接觸。累績了人生練歷的胡渭康翻唱「感冒」,另有一番情懷,贏盡觀眾的歡呼聲及掌聲。

  • 金音十強於頒獎前道出比賽心聲,令人感動

  • 長青不老的特別表演嘉賓胡渭康,唱出「伴我啓航」把大家帶回美好的80年代

  • 胡渭康獻唱多首金曲,贏盡觀眾的歡呼聲及掌聲


冠軍 :4號甄淑珍,45歲,擁有台灣原住民血統,職業:空中服務員,巧合地選唱「我是一隻小小鳥」
亞軍暨伊莎貝拉酒莊醉人魅力大獎: 1號 崔延濱, 36歲,出生地: 哈爾濱, 職業:卡車司機, 曾居於韓國,以流利的韓文唱出”Goodbye My Friend”
季軍暨Home Delight 金嗓獎: 10號曹校泓,34歲,職業: 服務員,以爵士版「領悟」挑戰自己。
最合拍組合獎 : 1號 崔延濱、7號 羅宏基 -合唱「左右為難」
網上最具人氣獎 : 6號源敏莊,49歲


  • 胡渭康頒獎予冠軍4號甄淑珍

  • 亞軍暨伊莎貝拉酒莊醉人魅力大獎及最合拍組合獎:崔延濱、冠軍 :甄淑珍、網上最具人氣獎:源敏莊、最合拍組合獎羅宏基 、季軍暨Home Delight 金嗓獎: 曹校泓

  • 各得獎者與評判團及新時代電視代表合照

  • 「打響十人營之金音終極戰」圓滿舉行,祝願甄淑珍繼續發揮聲之力量聲動温哥華。


特別表演嘉賓- 胡渭康 Evergreen記者會

「打響十人營之金音終極戰」,滙聚温哥華的金質靚聲,十位參賽者由30到70歲,語言、曲目風格各異,百花齊放,蓄勢待發迎戰4月13日的總決賽,純以美嗓一決高下。金曲擂台鬥,大會特別邀請長春歌手胡渭康擔任特別表演嘉賓及評判。踏入樂壇已有30年的胡渭康,十五歲參加第一屆香港新秀大賽入行,六呎二的俊朗外型加上青春無敵,甫出道已備受力捧,更憑組合「小虎隊」紅遍中港台,風頭一時無兩。他是香港電視史上第一代MTV節目“停不了的音樂”及“新地任你點”的主持人,亦參與電視劇及電影演出,歌影視三棲。30歲那年,胡渭康毅然放棄幕前一切,遠赴英國沉澱生活重新出發。直至 2007年,闊別娛樂圈幾近十年的胡渭康,為要照顧年邁雙親,決定再次回流返港,並致力投入慈善服務,於2007年至2010年,連續四年擔任明愛關愛行動關愛大使及復康大使。心善則美,遠離鎂光燈下的胡渭康帥氣依然。2012年,胡渭康於香港舉行演唱會,同期更推出全新大碟,翻唱女歌手的金曲,口碑不俗,其後出版的唱片專輯,主打歌《頑童》是特别獻給患有腦退化的雙親,喻意父母患病後返老還童的寫照。


身為新秀元老及總決賽評判,胡渭康即場向「金音十強」面授台上演出的貼士,最重要用平常心發揮自我,大派定心丸為他們打氣。最後新時代傳媒集團副總裁唐東萊及一眾「金音十強」送上别具心思的生日蛋糕予胡渭康,補祝他前一天 (4月11日) 的生辰,他驚喜之餘亦覺窩心,身在他鄉都滿載祝福。

胡渭康將再度登場,躍上River Rock Show Theatre 的 舞台 ,為大家送上重新演繹的經典金曲,一同回味美好的那些年。「打響十人營之金音終極戰」4月13日9時05分新時代電視全程轉播。


金音迴響 聲動全城




  • 梁春茹

  • 池条左衣子

  • Benny’s Angels

  • 秦文廣

  • 姚綿綿


冠軍 - 梁春茹 (36歲, 新移民) – "踏上人生最華麗舞台,千載難逢"

醉人魅力大獎 - 池条左衣子(52歲,日本人) – "打破界限,演繹中文金曲備受肯定,感覺幸福!"

最合拍組合獎 - Benny’s Angels
Benny (43歲, 物流司機) – "年輕時曾參加香港新秀,營營役役的生活埋藏多年夢想,今天終於一圓歌星夢!"
Amy (48歲,家庭主婦) – "認識一班志同道合的朋友,經歷一個人生奇妙之旅!"
Kris (39歲,設計師) – "2000年晉身新秀8強,到今天對唱歌熱愛不減!"

秦文廣(62歲, 退休護士) : "唱歌除了可以到老人院做義工,還讓我人生加添無盡星光,畢身難忘!"
閃亮風采獎 - 姚綿綿(65歲,祖母) : "身為外婆,能趕上這趟人生尾班車,真不賴! "

這支金音團隊於賽後星光不減,參與不少新時代電視年度重頭戲,梁春茹與池条左衣子於去年《温哥華華裔小姐競選》登上温哥華會議中心大舞台獻技。而梁春茹、Benny’s Angels、秦文廣及巫桂菁則剛於時代坊除夕倒數騷《馬到功成喜迎春》亮相唱旺馬年,叫觀眾對這群熱愛生命、擁抱音樂的80前,擊節讚賞。

最後召集金音30 金曲終極擂台鬥

今年新時代電視繼續為廣大金音鬥士,舉辦「打響十人營」之「金音終極戰」,您只需年滿30歲,熱愛唱歌,無分國籍、語言,甚至曲目種類,除了流行曲,亦可以中英文金曲/中國傳統戲曲/K-pop/藝術歌曲參賽,外型不拘。入圍的十強,將接受星級導師專業指導及舞台演繹訓練,更搖身一變成為電視、報章及網絡宣傳的主角,最後於4月13日 River Rock Show Theatre 舉行的決賽,大顯身手享受舞台的璀燦時光,冠軍更可獲豐富獎品。

抓緊眼前,給自己一個機會,錯失過後不知要等何時! 報名「打響十人營」之「金音終極戰」,可按此下載報名、網上報名或於新時代電視索取及遞交表格。除了於3月1日初賽面對評審,親身試唱外,您更可以將表演影片直接於網上遞交,用作甄選,不再局限面試時間地點,於網絡平台盡情發揮好歌聲! 截止報名日期 2月27日 (星期四)下午五時前。

Super 10 Golden Voice Final Challenge

Last year, the special 20th anniversary Super 10 Contest hosted by Fairchild TV concluded with overwhelming response from the community. The Golden Voice group was particularly met with extreme popularity. This year, Fairchild TV once again hosted Super 10 Contest with the theme “Golden Voice”. Aged between 31-70, the 10 finalists showed off their talents in a variety languages and music genres at the Final on April 13.

Super 10 Contest ’13 winner, Teresa Liang, heated up the stage with the hit number ‘Super Stage’ as she sang out the contestants’ feelings with the lyrics ‘searching for my dreams on stage’ followed by a joint performance of ‘Dance Street’ with fellow contestants Anna and Kris.

  • (Left to right)1st Runner Up & Isabella Winery Most Charismatic Award: #1 Tony Cui, Champion: #4 Claudia Jen and 2nd Runner Up & Home Delight Golden Voice Award : #10 Doris Cao

  • Super 10 Contest ’13 winner, Teresa Liang, heated up the stage with Anna and Kris

  • Judges (left to right): renowned singing coach Thelma Leung, Fairchild Radio President George Lee, and Super 10 Contest‘13 Golden Voice Group winner Teresa Liang.

MC for the evening, Mary Lo and partner April Li introduced the celebrity judges including guest performer William Hu, music master Dominic Chung, renowned singing coach Thelma Leung, Fairchild Radio President George Lee, and Super 10 Contest‘13 Golden Voice Group winner Teresa Liang.

  • Master of Ceremony: Mary Lo and April Li

  • No.3 Sam Lu and No.4 Claudia

  • No. 2 Alice Crestejo and No. 10 Doris Cao

  • No. 1 Tony Cui and No. 7 Lucky Luo

  • No. 6 Ruby Yuen and No. 8 Frank Law

  • No. 5 Mackenzie Yu and No. 9 Pauline Wong

The first round of the Golden Voice Challenge featured 5 duet performances. Both from Taiwan, #3 Sam Lu and #4 Claudia Jen, paired up for the oldie, ‘Speechless Ending’. Next, 70-year old #2 Alice Crestejo sang the English version of the Beijing Olympic theme song, ‘You and Me” with 34-year old #10 Doris Cao joining in with the Mandarin version. Their high notes wowed the audience. #1 Tony Cui and #7 Lucky Luo who became good friends through the competition brought forth ‘Dilemma’, demonstrating flawless partnership. #6 Ruby Yuen and #8 Frank Law’s performance of ‘Fate’ was filled with deep emotions as they uttered the line ‘You and I are far apart’ with sorrowful harmony. Lastly, #5 Mackenzie Yu and #9 Pauline Wong took a trip down memory lane as they sang the famous TV drama theme song ‘Fading Away’.

  • No. 1 Tony Cui

  • No. 2 Alice Crestejo

  • No.3 Sam Lu

  • No.4 Claudia

  • No. 5 Mackenzie Yu

  • No. 6 Ruby Yuen

  • No. 7 Lucky Luo

  • No. 8 Frank Law

  • No. 9 Pauline Wong

  • No. 10 Doris Cao

Following the group performance, the finalists showcased their talents individually in a solo. #1 Tony Cui, is a truck driver who considers music his travel companion. Once residing in Korea and fluent in Korean, Tony didn’t shy away from performing the powerful Korean number ‘Goodbye My Friend’. #2 Alice Crestejo lived up to her title of 1st runner up of the 2013 Canadian Senior Star Competition with her crisp vocal in ‘Memory’. #3 Sam Lu conveyed the painful emotions of separating with a lover in ‘The Day After’. The flight attendant #4 Claudia Jen comes from a Taiwanese indigenous background. With the support from her son at the competition, she was able to break free from her burdens and sing out ‘I Am A Tiny Bird’ with her sweet, soothing voice. #5 Mackenzie Yu aspired to music as a child but had to put this interest aside when bombarded by nuisances of a busy life. Looking back Mackenzie realized that his passion for music is still strong as reflected in his song ‘My Way’. Having won a bet with her friend, #6 Ruby Yuen was the only contestant to pick an upbeat dance song ‘For Love’. Being the youngest contestant, 31-year old #7 Lucky Luo wasn’t deterred from putting on a powerful performance of ‘Painfully Waiting for You’. As a fan of Alan Tam, #8 Frank Law, honored his favorite idol with the song ‘Who Can Decide Right or Wrong in Love’. #9 Pauline Wong attended the audition with the company of her husband. Although not making it to the Final, he has supported Pauline throughout the entire competition with their four grandchildren. Pauline did not disappoint and managed to deliver ‘Behind the Starlight” with confidence and finesse. Timid and shy, #10 Doris Cao was encouraged by her friend, Super 10 Contest ‘13 award winner Saiko Ikejo to join the competition. She challenged herself with the jazz version of ‘Realization’, touching the heart of every one of the audience.

  • Special guest performer: William Hu

Long anticipated special guest performer, the handsome and charismatic William Hu entered the stage with his evergreen hit song ‘Come Sail with Me’ leading the audience to reminisce the youthful and fun times of the 80’s. As a filial son, William was determined to bring to the audience ‘Playful Child’ dedicated to his parents who acted like kids after diagnosed with dementia. Although William has been an entertainer for over 30 years, he seemed not to have aged at all. When performing the melodic ‘Flu’ and ‘I will give my love to you’, he especially thanked his fans for their support throughout these years, earning cheers and a round of applause.

Lastly, the finalists took pride to emerge on stage again and revealed their deep emotions before the award presentation. Although each of them has gone through a different musical journey, all share the same passion and love for music. To be given a once in a lifetime opportunity to shine on stage is an incredible and unforgettable experience for every one of them. After much discussion, the judges selected the award winners as listed below:
Champion: #4 Claudia Jen
1st Runner Up & Isabella Winery Most Charismatic Award: #1 Tony Cui
2nd Runner Up & Home Delight Golden Voice Award : #10 Doris Cao
Best Group Performance: #1 Tony Cui & 7 Lucky Luo
Online Popularity Award: #6 Ruby Yuen

Super 10 Golden Voice Challenge has successfully concluded. We wish Claudia the best of luck in his/her future musical endeavors.

Super Ten 2014 Golden Voice Challenge
Special Guest Performer – William Hu Evergreen Press Conference

Super Ten 2014 Golden Voice Challenge brings together the best voices in Vancouver. Aged from 30-70, the contestants perform with unique personalities, a variety of languages and genres. For the past month and a half, they have been working hard to prepare for the final challenge, taking place on April 13th. Fairchild TV has the honor to invite evergreen artiste William Hu from Hong Kong as the special guest performer and judge for this exciting battle. William started his career at the age of 15 as a finalist at the first Hong Kong New Talent Singing Awards 30 years ago. Standing at 6’2”, handsome and charismatic William has always been tremendously supported by fans in Hong Kong, especially during the days as a member of Little Tiger Group. He was one of the first hosts of Hong Kong MTV program ‘Can’t Stop the Music’ and ‘Sunday Song Request’ while acting in television dramas and movies. When William was 30 years old, he left behind all that had been achieved in the entertainment industry to start a new life in England. In 2007, William, who had been away for nearly 10 years, decided to return to Hong Kong to care for his aging parents. Since then, William has actively engaged himself in charity works and was appointed as the ambassador for Caritas Hong Kong from year 2007-2010. In 2012 William held a concert in Hong Kong and released an album in which he covered golden oldies from popular female singers, followed by another album, the title song of which ‘Playful Child’ was dedicated to his parents who acted like playful children because of dementia.

When William entered onto the press conference stage, he was welcome by passionate cheers and applause. He told MC Mandy Chan that he rushed to Vancouver after recently wrapping up a TVB drama as Officer Geomancer. Even so, he expressed his excitement for his first time performance in Vancouver and invited fans to look forward to enjoying both new songs and golden oldies on Sunday. William has always been enthusiastic about cooking, thus is anticipating trying out the gourmet cuisine in Vancouver. He was so amazed by the beautiful cherry blossoms blooming everywhere throughout the city that he joked if he had landed in Kyoto by mistake. Aside from his singing talent, everyone was interested in knowing the secret behind William’s never aging appearance. The secret is simple according to William: get plenty of sleep, stick with a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and keep a charitable mindset.

As a veteran of the New Talent Singing Awards and a judge of this year’s Super 10 Contest, William shared some winning tips with the 10 contestants, reminding them to keep calm and give it their personal best. Lastly, Vice President of Fairchild Media Group, Louis Tong and the 10 finalists presented William with a cake as a belated celebration for his birthday the day before when he was still on his way to Vancouver. William was thrilled to receive such a pleasant surprise and felt blessed even though he was so far away from home.

William Hu will bring to fans an exciting performance full of wonderful music in River Rock Show Theatre at Super Ten Final which will be broadcast on Fairchild Television on April 13th at 9:05pm.

Super 10 Golden Voice Final Challenge

Golden Voices Move the City

In previous Super 10 Contests, a variety of talented MCs and artistes were discovered. Last year’s competition disregarded all borders between age, language, ethnicity and song, hence was met with overwhelming responses from audiences who were especially impressed by the ‘Golden Voice Group’. The contestants in this group were born before the year 1980, ranging from age 30-70 with a variety of backgrounds. But when it came to singing, each contestant worked their hardest to show off themselves through their songs each with a unique taste and personality. In addition, special guest performer Mimi Chu was the highlight with her sweet voice and professional judging making last year’s Super 10 Contest the talk of the town.

Everybody Has a Dream

During the process of the competition, members of the Golden Voice group were able to step out of banal everyday routines and chase their dreams, not something that everyone has the courage to do. They were not only able to do just that, but they were also given the chance to assure themselves of their amazing talents, endorsing the fact that everyone has a dream which can be realized.

  • Theresa Liang

  • Saiko Ikejo

  • Benny’s Angels

  • Eddie Tsun

  • Mary Yao

Super 10 2013

Winner Theresa Liang (new immigrant, aged 36) – "It was a once in a lifetime opportunity to perform on such a glamorous stage."

Most Charismatic Award winner Saiko Ikejo (Japanese, aged 52) – "I was so fortunate to have been given this opportunity to break cultural barriers and perform Chinese songs."

Best Group Performance Award: Benny’s Angels

Benny (truck driver, aged 43) – "I entered into the Hong Kong New Talent Singing Awards when I was young. The needs of everyday life later buried my singing passion. Today I am able to once again ignite the fire!"

Amy (housewife, aged 48) – "To be able to meet these lifelong friends was a wonderful experience!" Kris (designer, aged 39) – "My passion for singing has not subsided since I was top 8 in New Talent Singing Awards 2000."

Online Popularity Award

Eddie Tsun (retired nurse, aged 62) – "I am able to bring happiness to residents in nursing homes and joy into my own life by doing what I love to do."

Shining Star Award

Mary Yao (grandmother, aged 65) – "As a grandmother, at my age, it was wonderful to be given this chance to showcase my talents on stage!"

The end of the Super 10 Contest was not the end of glory for these Golden Voice group contestants. After the competition, many of them were invited back to perform for various shows hosted by Fairchild TV. Theresa Liang and Saiko Ikejo performed at the Vancouver Convention Centre for the Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant 2013 while Theresa, Benny’s Angels, Eddie Tsun, and Esaine Mo participated at the Year of the Horse Countdown Show in Aberdeen Centre. These passionate, life-loving individuals truly deserve a round of applause for their great efforts.

Final Call: Golden Voice 30, Battle of the Voices

This year Fairchild TV is once again organizing the Super 10 Golden Voice Singing Competition. If you are over 30 years of age and have a passionate love for music, you are eligible to enter. The competition holds no restrictions on sex, ethnicity, language, or song choice. Aside from pop songs, Chinese or English oldies, Chinese opera, K-Pop, and classical songs are also welcome. The top 10 finalists will go through a series of training by industry professionals, star in promotional television and print advertisements, and finally battle out their voices on stage at the River Rock Show Theatre on April 13th, showing off their talents and enjoying the spotlight. The winner of the competition will also receive a number of prizes.

Determined to stand on an extravagant stage and show off your skills? Register for this year’s Super 10 Golden Voice Competition! Please fill out the online application or pick up an application form from Fairchild TV. Aside from the in-person audition held on March 1st, videos may also be submitted online through our website. Deadline is February 27th 5pm.