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打響十人營之「金音終極戰」經已準備就緒,日前金音十強參加總綵排,為4月13日的總決賽來個大檢閱。雖然只是綵排,參賽者都盡騷真功夫,抓緊每一個排練機會,而星級導師雷安娜亦到場監督作最後指導,Annabelle大讚各人進步神速。大賽在即,參賽者心情難免緊張,但各人都情緒高漲,非常期待這個黃金機會,享受屬於自己的舞台。想一睹各靚聲人馬的真我表演,敬請留意新時代電視4月13日(星期日) 9:05pm現場轉播的打響十人營之「金音終極戰」。



打響十人營之「金音終極戰」正進入倒數階段,金音十強忙於練歌及舞台綵排,蓄勢待發為4月13日的冠軍爭霸戰一較高下。日前他們分別接受「大城小聚」主持雷安娜及「都市有約」主持邵蔚華的電視專訪,分享參賽點滴,由於他們的年齡由31至70歲,曲風迴異,自身的音樂人生旅程充滿火花,敬請留意4月11日(星期五) 6:15pm於新時代電視播出的「大城小聚」及城市電視4月3日及 4月10日(星期四) 10:15pm的「都市有約」,預覽金音十強的賽前熱身。






入圍的金音十強,正展開全面特訓,與大會簽訂合同後,即與製作團隊會面,了解一連串的拍攝工作及解構比賽內容,並接受大會形象總監Betty的專業指導,加強舞台果效。此外,大會特意安排星級導師香港著名歌星雷安娜出任歌唱導師,提升參賽者的歌唱技巧及完善演繹方法,務求釋放各人的音樂潛能,再加上舞台總監Didi的悉心訓練,金音十強定必於4月13日在River Rock Show Theatre舉行的總決賽,用最震撼的歌聲打動每一位觀眾。



去年「打響十人營」之「決戰好歌聲」大獲好評,「金音組」的驚喜表現令「打響十人營」成為去年最爆紅的話題之作。今年新時代電視繼續為廣大金音鬥士舉辦「金音終極戰」,只要年滿30歲,熱愛唱歌,無分國籍、語言,甚至曲目種類,即可一試身手。剛舉行的「金音終極戰」面試,吸引各路靚聲人馬,報名人數較去年的「金音組」大增,當中有再接再勵的熟悉面孔,有最年長的87歲參賽者表演經典粵曲,精神抖擻歌詞一句不漏,亦有身懷絕技的音樂發燒友自彈自唱演繹自己作品,令人大開眼界。去年「十人營」有日本朋友Saiko衝破國籍及語言界限一登龍門,今年亦有西人專誠為陪伴華裔太太而雙雙前來面試,更有精通韓文的中國朋友,憑至紅的K-Pop即場獲得評判發出的「通行証」,直入總決賽。參賽者除了以流行曲、中英文懷舊金曲、粵曲、黄梅調大騷唱功,不少人更切合歌曲格調悉心打扮行頭十足:有中國風、華麗貴婦look、「擋不住的風情」風騷造型、「當年情」的Mark哥影子等,聲色藝一絲不扣。要評審衆多不同類形的參賽者難度極高,有賴一班勞苦功高的專業評審團,最後挑選的十位入圍精英,由三十多歲至七十歲,百花齊放,十把靚聲背後蘊藏十個愛音樂的人生旅程,風光無限。這班金音鬥士,隨即展開密集式全方位培訓,將於4月13日在River Rock Show Theatre舉行的總決賽,匯聚強大美聲唱好溫哥華。

Countdown to Final


The Final of Super 10 Golden Voice Challenge is just around the corner. Last weekend, a final rehearsal was held to work out the minute details in preparation for April 13th. Although it was only a rehearsal, the finalists all tried their best to show their talents. Voice coach Annabelle Louie complimented all the finalists on their improvements within the past month. They sure are nervous, but more than anything else, they are excited about their golden opportunity to shine on stage. To enjoy this special show filled with wonderful music, please tune in to Fairchild TV on Sunday April 13th at 9:05pm!

Counting Down the Days


Super 10 2014 Golden Voice Challenge is counting down the days until the final show. The ten contestants are busy practicing and rehearsing to give it their best and battle it out on April 13th. They were previously interviewed on Leisure Talk by Annabelle, and City Chat by Carmen to express their thoughts and feelings on the upcoming show. With ages ranging from 31-70, the contestants have their own unique style and character but share the same heated passion for music. To learn more about these interesting and talented individuals, please tune it to Fairchild TV for Leisure Talk on Friday, April 11th at 6:15pm and Talentvision for City Chat on Thursday April 3rd and April 10th at 10:15pm.

Full Speed Ahead Preparing for the Final


With Super 10 Final just less than a month away, both contestants and crew are working hard towards creating a fabulous show. Aside from a series of stage trainings, the finalists have completed their first official photo shoot and promotional video shoot. With the professional and detailed styling from image director Betty, they were able to show off their true selves and unique personalities. The contestants also recorded promotional clips for radio and participated in an interview for What’s On to share their thoughts and feelings on the contest. Their promos will be revealed to the public for the first time today. Also please tune in for the 10 finalists’ What’s On interviews every Sunday at 7:40pm.

Industry Professional’s High-class Training


Top 10 finalists of this year’s Super10 are already half way through their exciting journey leading up to the final competition. Since the audition, they have signed an event contract with Fairchild, met with the production crews to discuss and understand the production process, and image director, Betty who explained the styling details and provided professional advice on personal grooming. In addition, renowned Hong Kong singer Annabelle Louie once again acts as the performance coach for the contestants to improve their singing skills and bring out each contestant’s unique potential. Along with stage director Didi’s meticulous stage training, the 10 Golden Voice finalists are sure to liberate the best of themselves on April 13th at the River Rock Show Theatre.

'Super10 Contest - Golden Voice: The Final Challenge' Audition


Last year’s Super 10 Contest was greatly successful and received overwhelming response from the public. ‘Golden Voice Group’ especially surprised audiences with their talents and became the hot topic of the community. This year, Fairchild TV continues to provide an opportunity for other Golden Voice singers to participate. With no restrictions on ethnicity, language, or song selections, ‘Golden Voice: The Final Challenge’ accepted applications from contestants over the age of 30 who have a passion for music. The audition, which was held recently, was met with explosive popularity and attracted a large number of applicants with a wide range of presentations and talents. The oldest applicant was at the stunning age of 87. Despite his age, he performed traditional Chinese opera with liveliness and sang each word with precision. There were also applicants that showed their heated passion for music by performing self-composed pieces with accompaniment on instruments of his own creation, wowing the judges. Last year’s Japanese contestant Saiko broke through the barriers of race and ethnicity. This year, there was also a Caucasian applicant who made the same attempt to fulfill the wish of his Chinese wife. Korean K-Pop culture was also represented as one of the Chinese applicants, who is fluent in Korean, sang a lovely Korean song, winning the judges approval and receiving a special straight entry pass as a finalist in the competition. Not only did applicants perform a wide range of different style songs including pop songs, English and Chinese oldies, Cantonese opera, Taiwanese opera etc., but many applicants also took the time and care to dress up especially for the audition. Asking the judges to pick from such a large variety of talents was a truly difficult task, but with their professionalism and expertise, they finally chose the 10 lucky finalists who all have a strong passion for music and love for performance, each with their own unique story to tell. After a series of intense training, the 10 finalists will be showing off their amazing Golden Voices at the Super10 2014 final show at the River Rock Show Theatre on April 13th.